William Ramsey’s Video Hub

Find the latest video resources created by or featuring William.


The Smiley Face Killers, vol. 2: The Global Slaughter Continues

This current documentary broadens the investigation into other countries, including France, Germany, the Netherlands, the UAE and other places in the world and shows that this phenomenon is global in nature.


The Smiley Face Killers: Who is abducting, torturing and murdering college-aged men in the US and UK?

For over twenty years, college aged men in the United States have disappeared after a night of drinking, only to be found dead days later in bodies of water.


Prophet of Evil: Aleister Crowley, 9/11 and the New World Order

How did Aleister Crowley influence the events of 9/11, considering the fact that he died in 1947? Why are the tenets of Aleister Crowley similar to the principles of the emerging New World Order?


Children of the Beast: Aleister Crowley's Shadow Over Humanity

In the documentary Children of the Beast, filmmaker William Ramsey traces the impact of the Great Beast, occultist Aleister Crowley, upon the culture and history of the Twentieth Century and the New Millennium.


Occult Hollywood, Vol. 2

Now available exposing dark secrets in popular cinema. The documentary includes information about famous directors such as Roman Polanski, Stanley Kubrick, and Oliver Stone, as well as lesser-known artists such as Kenneth Anger, Donald Cammell, and Dennis Wheatley.


William On The Smiley Face Killers

Watch one of William’s latest interviews on The Smiley Face Killers which was conducted on SkyWatch TV